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In these moments when another year is coming to a close, we reflect on our lives. We decide if we feel like we wasted time, or if we made the best of it. We question our decisions, our outlook on life, how we chose to spend our days, and who we chose to spend them with. All these moments that made up a whole year of our life. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. We see people posting their year in review and often times find ourself comparing our own journey with a stomach full of knots and a deep seeded moment of self pity instead of focusing on what we did accomplish, even if it was merely surviving another year.

We have to remind ourself that people only share what they want us to see. The tiny moments in their story when everything was perfect. Quickly, before the moment passed. We see the smiling faces, the proudest moments, the perfect angle and lighting. But I promise you, no one's life is perfect every single moment. We didn't see the time they sat on their bed and cried for a loved one, the very moment they lost their temper, and later had to apologize with regret, or the moment they wondered how they could just simply survive another day. We forget that people aren't robots with dials that can be set to 'happy' and be sent on their way to go through the rest of their life never feeling anything other than that one emotion. People are messy, indecisive, ever changing, happy, sad, angry, too emotional, sometimes unemotional, scared, ecstatic, overwhelmed, and everything in between individuals, and sometimes everything all at once! We are human. Beautiful individual beings with so many different tiny moments that make up our own journey. However, we spend so much time wondering when we will feel or be like someone else that we forget to appreciate and understand our own path. We live in a world for full of influencers who will sell you exactly what they believe you need. Some of the stuff can add value to your life, but you can't buy something to fix all your problems for $199.99 plus shipping. We have to learn to appreciate our own journey and decide which of those million things can help us along our way.

This year I have learned many different things about my own journey and life. I am sure you have too. I have come to know that even in the most difficult times, I find myself feeling most at peace when I hold tight to my faith. I have realized that I simply cannot do everything for everyone all the time and that asking for help is okay, and so is saying no, especially saying no to things that disturb my peace. I have learned not to worry about what I can't change and to focus on what I can. I can't change my past, but I have complete control over my future. I cannot change how someone treats me but I can change how I react to them. I have no control over all the circumstances in this world around me, but I do have control over my environment and who is in it. I have found that shifting away from feeling out of control and focusing on what's in my control makes life a little easier. I am accepting my imperfections and allowing myself some grace. I have learned that sharing my life with you through this blog has been a true blessing. I enjoy so much hearing from you and how you relate to certain things, or found encouragement in something I've shared.

This past year has also been very trying at times. Many times I put on a smile all the while hoping and praying for the best. There were times I didn't feel like I was enough, times that I knew I had let people down, times I had let myself down. I watched the struggles of my children. We had a cancer scare this year, and I thank God that it was only a scare. We've had surgeries and sickness and let downs. I have had moments where I suffered, sometimes silently. I have also had moments of excitement and happiness. I am hosting an exchange student this year. What an adventure that has been! I've also had a front row seat to some really amazing accomplishments by my children and family and friends. I've been all those things I said before, messy, indecisive, ever changing, happy, sad, angry, too emotional, sometimes unemotional, scared, ecstatic, overwhelmed, and everything in between, and again sometimes everything all at once. Haha!

I look back on this past year and remember things someone else did or accomplished and it brings me as much joy as if it had happened to me. I find so much joy in seeing other people have awesome things happen for them. My children, my family and friends, their children and family, and you! I just feel so lucky sometimes to be surrounded by so many amazing people in my life. My hope for you as we say goodbye to another year is that you'll understand that your journey has so much meaning and significance, and if it didn't happen this year, maybe it will next year. Don't keep saying yes if your gut is telling you no. Allow yourself some grace and never stop searching for what brings peace in your life. Accept what you can't change and focus on what you can. I want you to know that you are not alone. You aren't the only one looking in the mirror wondering where the time goes. You aren't alone in wondering how far along you'd be with something if you would have just stuck with it. You are not ever alone in your moments of weakness or sadness or regret. You are also never alone in sharing your accomplishments big or small. Your little moments in your journey that you think are trivial could be inspiring someone that you don't even know is watching. Your growth, small changes, energy and charismatic personality, your new business, your growing business, and your wonderful kids and families. Someone, somewhere is rooting for you.

Don't let fear stand in your way of finding success for yourself in this coming year. I often tell myself when I don't know where to start, just start anyway. One small step leads to many, many small steps that make a path forward. You can fall a million times, but one day you're going to stand up for the last time because you finally made it. I wish you nothing but the best in the new year and a life full of happiness, health, and prosperity. Thank you for sharing another year in this journey with me.



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