The Formality
I often wonder how different our world would be if people did things out of sincerity and not formality. This would require people to actually be engaged with the situation and not just be present. We feel this throughout our personal and our work lives. I have found myself sitting in a room full of people so disconnected that you can almost feel their discomfort and insecurity. I think these people believe they are just there for the formality of it all. What would happen if we took the time to make people feel like they are sincerely wanted in that moment that we invited them into. ..
Somewhere along the line, we became creatures of rushing through life, doing what is expected by the largest number of people and calling it a day. Crawling into bed at night and preparing for the next day where we get to run through showing up here and there and moving on to the next moments in our life, all the while missing out on so much of what lies in between those rushed moments. We host an event because that's what we are supposed to do, rushing though it and moving onto the next. We need to stop and realize that as we are rushing through, the people around us feel like they aren't even sure if they belong in those moments with us. This is where the formality of our actions make people unsure they even want to be a part of our mission, a part of our purpose or life. We have to begin to shift away from that into the sincerity of life. Stop, sit down with those you've invited into your life and understand that if you don't, eventually they'll stop showing up to your formalities. Your meetings and conversations where you listen but don't hear what the say. The 'thank you for your help' all the while not really knowing what they did. The moments we use to further our self, not genuinely caring about those around us. People see through our crap whether we want to admit it or not haha!
If you look around and see people moving forward in their success, whether it be relationships or work, they most likely are sincerely caring about the people who are driving them forward. You have to change your mindset to understand why people are in your life and make room for them. We often see people handed things because of who they are, but eventually, if they don't become sincere with the situation, they'll lose what they were given. I liken this to a business that is passed down through a family. They go through the formality of making it run, but the passion of the original purpose fizzles over time, and they sell out and start their own endeavor. We see people grab someone's attention and begin a relationship, but eventually they only bring flowers because they are supposed to, not because they want to. These formalities can break something down as quick as it started.
I encourage you to evaluate your connections and relationships and events in your life. Dig in and be sincere with what you do. Don't use people as stepping stones to move yourself forward. Learn how they are helping you and bring them along for the journey. Have conversations with the ones that look uncomfortable. Understand who you've asked to be a part of your life and don't make your time with them a formality.
As I invite you into my world through my words, I hope you understand how much your time means to me. These short moments that you get to spend seeing a different perspective or finding encouragement make it all worth while. I enjoy hearing about your journey with me and how you found hope, encouragement, perspective and understanding while you floated down through the paragraphs. You are not alone in your journey and you possess so much worth and value. Never give up on yourself. Don't allow someone to make you a formality.
Sincerely. .. Crystal Sue